m6A RNA Enrichment & Quantification Kit
Product Description
N6-methyladensoine (m6A), the methylation of adenosine in the N6 position, is a prevalent and reversible post-transcriptional RNA modification that decorates mRNA, tRNA and rRNA. Recent studies have revealed the crucial roles of m6A RNA modification in multiple cellular processes, including RNA structural stability, folding, interactions with proteins, cell viability, impaired self-renewal ability, cell proliferation, and cell death. Methylated RNA immunoprecipitation (RIP) is a gold standard method to monitor the status and map the location of RNA modifications in specific genes and in transcriptome wide.
- Fast, streamlined procedure, finished in 5 hours
- Hands-on time is less than 1 hour
- Enriched RNA for transcriptome-wide profiling
The RayBio® m6A (N6-methyladenosine) RNA Enrichment and quantification kit (QMERIP-M6A) identifies the abundance and enrichment location of m6A by MeRIP and quantitative real-time PCR. The enriched m6A RNA could also be used for transcriptome-wide profiling of m6A. In this assay, RNA sample is digested into fragments consisting of 100~500 nucleotides followed by incubation with an antibody against m6A conjugated to a magnetic bead. Then, the enriched RNA is released, purified, and eluted for qRT-PCR analysis. Included in the kit is a non-immune IgG control conjugated to a magnetic bead and two pairs of primer controls for Hela cell RNA. QMERIP-M6A uses a fast and streamlined procedure so the assay can be finished in 5 hours with a hands-on time of less than 1 hour. This kit has been validated for human, mouse, and rat m6A enrichment.