pFC-PGK-MCS-pA-EF1-GFP-T2A-Puro PhiC31 Donor Vector

One-step, non-viral, single-copy transgenesis

Product Description

The pFC-PGK-MCS-EF1-GFP-Puro utilizes PGK to express your gene cloned into the MCS and has EF1a driving the GFP-Puro combo markers. The bidirectional promoter configuration takes advantage of the natural bidirectional activity of the PGK promoter. In addition to enabling coordinated expression of your gene-of-interest and a marker, this divergent configuration is both stable and resistant to silencing in embryonic stem (ES) cells, trophectoderm stem (TS) cells, and extra embryonic endoderm (XEN) stem cells1

Phic31 Donor Fc551a Updated 180925 01

Combine the advantages of the PhiC31 Integrase System with a bidirectional promoter format for your genome engineering projects with the pFC-PGK-MCS-pA-EF1α-GFP-T2A-Puro PhiC31 Donor Vector. Simply co-transfect with the PhiC31 Integrase Expression Plasmid and select for integrants using puromycin resistance and imaging for GFP fluorescence.

Alternative dual-promoter vector:

The pFC-EF1-MCS- PGK-RFP-Puro vector has EF1a driving your gene´s expression cloned into the MCS and PGK expressing the RFP-Puro combo markers. 

  • Catalog Number
  • Supplier
    SBI System Biosciences
  • Size
  • Shipping
    Blue Ice
942,00 €
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Please contact:

Maria Schröder

Tel. +49 (0) 6221 71415 16
