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RNA Bisulfite Conversion & cDNA Synthesis

RNA Bisulfite Conversion & cDNA Synthesis Kits

Most ideal approaches for preparing RNA for site-specific methylation analysis

Bisulfite treatment techniques, also known as bisulfite conversion, are the most ideal approaches for preparing RNA for site-specific methylation analysis. This process converts cytosine into uracil, leaving methylated cytosine intact which is then easily distinguishable via high-throughput sequencing. Bisulfite converted RNA can also be used to generate cDNA for use in various downstream applications to analyze methylation condition.

Besides the Bisulfit Conversion Kit and the cDNA Synthesis Kit EpigenTek also offers a complete kit for RNA bisulfite conversion and NGS library preparation for 5-methylcytosine RNA-seq.


P9003 Bisulfite Sequencing Data

Fig.1. RNA bisulfite sequencing