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Saliva & Stool Sample Preparation

Norgen‘s unique suite of sample preparation kits provides a fast, reliable and simple procedure for saliva and stool sample collection and preservation at ambient temperature as well as for the subsequent purification of high-quality, inhibitor-free DNA or RNA, including microRNA.

Saliva Sample Collection & Preservation

Isolation of nucleic acids from saliva has become a cost-effective and non-invasive alternative to blood or tissue for genotyping and other genetic analyses. Norgen’s Saliva Collection and Preservation Devices are an all-in-one solution to collect and stabilize high-quality DNA, RNA, or exosomes at room temperature. From the point of collection microbial growth is suspended and viruses are inactivated, allowing for safe and convenient transport and handling. Using one of Norgen’s complimentary isolation kits, purified DNA and RNA can be used for a variety of downstream applications, including PCR/RT-PCR and NGS.

  • More than 2 years of saliva DNA preservation at room temperature
  • Up to 2 months of saliva RNA preservation at room temperature

Saliva DNA & RNA Isolation

Norgen’s Saliva DNA & RNA Purification Kits allow for the isolation of high-quality total DNA or RNA including microRNA from preserved and fresh saliva samples. These kits are available in different formats such as spin column format, 96 well plates, and magnetic beads. The purified DNA and RNA are suitable for sensitive downstream applications including PCR, qPCR, genotyping and sequencing.

  • Compatible with preserved and fresh saliva samples
  • High-quality, inhibitor-free total DNA or RNA including microRNA

Stool Sample Collection & Preservation

Appropriate preservation and storage of stool samples is crucial in maintaining nucleic acid fidelity and microbial community composition for downstream applications and analysis, including next-generation sequencing (NGS) and microbiome characterization. Post-collection bias may be introduced in cases where sample material is inadequately preserved. Norgen’s Stool Collection and Preservation Devices preserve microbiota profiles at ambient temperature for unbiased, reproducible results. Samples preserved in Norgen’s devices are non-infectious and can be shipped safely at ambient temperatures.

  • Preservation and safe transport of DNA & RNA at ambient temperature
  • Preservative ensures sample homogeneity and unbiased reproducible microbiota profiles

Stool DNA & RNA Isolation

Norgen’s Stool DNA & RNA Purification Kits allow for the isolation of high-quality total DNA or RNA including microRNA from preserved, fresh or frozen stool samples. The universal protocol conveniently enables for the isolation of total genomic DNA or RNA from all the various microorganisms and host cells found in the stool sample simultaneously. The stool DNA and RNA purified is of the highest quality, and is compatible with a number of downstream research applications including PCR, NGS sequencing and microarray analysis.  

  • Simultaneous isolation of both host DNA/RNA and microbial DNA/RNA
  • Elimination of PCR inhibitors including humic acids

More Tools for Sample Preparation

The unique suite of sample preparation kits offered by BioCat provides a fast, reliable and simple procedure for sample collection and preservation as well as for the subsequent purification of inhibitor-free RNA (including microRNA), DNA or proteins from various specimen types, including mammalian cells and (FFPE) tissues, blood, plasma/serum, saliva/swab, urine, stool, plants, fungi and soil. Multi-analyte kits allow for the sequential isolation of RNA, DNA and proteins from the same sample using a single column with no sample splitting.

A large  variety of kits is especially designed for the purification of RNA and DNA, including cell-free circulating nucleic acids, from liquid biopsy samples including urine, plasma, serum and blood. Optimized preservation reagents grant the longest stability of DNA and RNA in e.g. urine, saliva and stool samples at ambient temperature.