EpiQuik Dnmt 3a / DNA Methyltransferase 3a Assay Kit (Colorimetric)

For measuring the amount of DNMT3A protein in samples

Product Description


The EpiQuik™ Dnmt3A Assay Kit is a convenient package of tools that allows the experimenter to measure the amount of Dnmt3A at tremendously fast speeds and consistency; superior and safer than all other current methods. The kit is ready-to-use and provides all the essential components needed to carry out a successful Dnmt3A assay experiment. The EpiQuik™ Dnmt3A Assay Kit is suitable for measuring Dnmt amounts quantitatively from fresh tissue and cultured cells of human and mouse. The kit has the following advantages:

  • The fastest procedure, which can be finished within 3 hours.
  • Innovative colorimetric assay, which quantitatively measure Dnmt3A amount without the need for electrophoresis.
  • Strip microplate format makes the assay flexible: manual or high throughput analysis.
  • Simple, reliable, and consistent assay conditions.

Principle & Procedure


The EpiQuik™ Dnmt3A Assay Kit is designed for measuring total Dnmt3A amount from tissues or cells. In an assay with this kit, the unique Dnmt affinity substrate is stably coated on the strip well. The sample is added into the well and Dnmt3A contained in the sample binds to the substrate. The bound Dnmt3A can be recognized with a specific Dnmt3A antibody and colorimetrically quantified through an ELISA-like reaction. The amount of Dnmt3A is proportional to the intensity of color development. 

Performance Data


Fig. 2. Nuclear extracts were prepared from MCF-7 cells using the EpiQuik Nuclear Extraction Kit and total amount of Dnmt was measured.


Product Citations

671,00 €
you need any help?

Please contact:

Dr. Sieke Schaepe

Tel. +49 (0) 6221 71415 16

