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Exosome Labeling

Exosome Labeling

Take your extracellular vesicle (EV) visualization to new levels of clarity, with low background and high selectivity

ExoGlow EV Labeling Kits

Unlike general-purpose labeling reagents that are not optimized for EVs and suffer from
high levels of background signal, the ExoGlow EV Labeling Kits - ExoGlow-Protein, ExoGlow-RNA, and ExoGlow-Membrane - improve your ability to track and localize EVs through specific labeling and low levels of background signal. The result is unmatched EV imaging for more accurate exosome studies.

  • Specific - carefully developed to generate a robust signal specific for EV components, leading to very low levels of background
  • Compatible - delivers robust performance on EVs isolated using all methods tested - including ExoQuick, UC and column-based workflows
  • Easy-to-use - protocol is quick and straightforward
  • Powerful - can be used with as little as 1 μg (Membrane), 50 μg (RNA) and 200 μg (Protein) of EVs

ExoGlow-Vivo EV Labeling Kit

Visualize and track EV movement in vivo with the ExoGlow-Vivo EV Labeling Kit (Near IR). This kit contains a non-lipophilic dye that emits in the near infrared (NIR) range (excitation at 784 nm; emission at 806 nm). Delivering a high level of specificity and sensitivity, ExoGlow-Vivo is ideal for EV biodistribution and kinetic studies.

  • Optimized for imaging EVs in animal models
  • Fast labeling protocol takes you from EV isolation to injection-ready labeled EVs in less than 1 hour
  • Ideal for in vivo EV tracking, biodistribution, and kinetic studies
  • Powerful - can be used with as little as 250 µg of EVs

ExoFlow™-ONE EV Labeling Kits

Take full advantage of the power of flow-based methods for analyzing extracellular vesicles (EVs) with the ExoFlow-ONE EV Labeling Kits (Gemstone dyes). By specifically labeling internal EV components with one of these proprietary, high quantum efficiency dyes, you can achieve near single-vesicle resolution* for more powerful flow cytometry and FACS studies, and uncover greater insights into EV biology.

  • Directly detect EVs by specifically labeling internal EV components
  • Achieve near single-vesicle visualization with the proprietary ExoFlow-ONE dyes
  • Accurately estimate the size of labeled EVs and ensure proper run-to-run calibration with the included size standards
  • Learn more from a single sample by multiplexing with our range of spectrally separated ExoFlow-ONE dyes

*Requires a specialized flow cytometry imager capable of high-resolution vesicle analysis (e.g. Amnis® ImageStreamX Mark II, Apogee Micro-PLUS).