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Cold Fusion Cloning Kits

Cold Fusion Cloning Kits

Phosphatase-free, Ligation-free Cold Fusion Cloning will take you to transformation-ready DNA with a single step in 20 minutes

Cold Fusion Cloning is a quick and easy way to place an insert - or multiple inserts simultaneously - into a linearized vector. PCR fragments can be generated by High Fidelity DNA Polymerases or Taq DNA Polymerase. The system is highly efficient, with more than 90% positive cloning rate.

  • Clone any insert, at any site within any vector
  • Restriction enzyme, phosphatase and ligase free system
  • Powerful technology to join multiple fragments at once
  • Rapid one tube reaction for 5 minutes at room temperature, then fusion on ice for 10 minutes
  • Highly efficient, with typically more than 90% positive cloning rate
  • Introduce or correct mutations at will in cDNAs
  • Amenable to high throughput cloning applications

How it works

The 5x Cold Fusion Master mix contains a proprietary blend of enzymes that prepare the ends of DNA fragments for sequence-directed alignment. Compatible DNA ends are then efficiently fused and produce vector clones with great accuracy.


Cold Fusion Cloning How It Works