All-in-One™ qPCR Mix
SYBR Green qPCR Mastermix plus ROX Reference Dye
Product Description
The All-in-One qPCR mix uses high-fidelity hot-start polymerase, an optimized reaction buffer and high-quality dNTPs to enable specific and sensitive amplification from even low-copy RNA (cDNA) or DNA species.
qPCR reaction using the All-in-one qPCR Master Mix. One microgram of total RNA from MCF-7 cells was reverse transcribed using GeneCopoeia All-in-One cDNA synthesize kit. The RT reactions were diluted to 1pg to 1ng of RNA /µl. 1 µl of the diluted RT reactions were used in the subsequent qPCR for 35 cycles using GeneCopoeia All-in-One qPCR Mix (A). The end products were run on 2% Agarose gel (B).
- Catalog Number
QP001-GC - Supplier
GeneCopoeia - Size
- Shipping
Blue Ice
274,00 €