EpiQuik Methyl-CpG Binding domain Protein 2 ChIP Kit

Product Description

  • The fastest procedure available, which can be finished within 5 hours
  • Strip microwell format makes the assay flexible: manual or high throughput
  • Columns for DNA purification are included: save time and reduce labor
  • Compatible with all DNA amplification-based approaches
  • Simple, reliable, and consistent assay conditions

The EpiQuik Methyl-CpG Binding Domain Protein 2 ChIP Kit is a convenient package of tools that allows you to investigate the binding of MBD2 to methylated DNA in vivo efficiently. The entire procedure can be completed within 5 hours and produces far superior results than any competitor kits. The EpiQuik Methyl-CpG Binding Domain Protein 2 ChIP Kit is suitable for combining the specificity of immunoprecipitation with qualitative and quantitative PCR, MS-PCR, DNA sequencing, and Southern Blot as well as DNA microarray.

Principle & Procedure

The EpiQuik™ Methyl-CpG Binding Domain Protein 2 ChIP Kit contains all reagents required for carrying out a successful chromatin immunoprecipitation for MBD2 from mammalian cells. Particularly, this kit includes a ChIP-grade MBD2 antibody and a negative control normal mouse IgG. Chromatin from the cells is extracted, sheared and added into the microwell immobilized with the antibody. DNA is released from the antibody-captured MBD2 protein-DNA complex, reversed and purified through the specifically designed Fast-Spin Column. Eluted DNA can be used for various down-stream applications.

608,00 €
you need any help?

Please contact:

Dr. Sieke Schaepe

Tel. +49 (0) 6221 71415 16

