CRISPRa dCas9-VPR Lentiviral Vector

Product Category:CRISPRa/dCas9-VPR Expression Constructs

Product Description

This Cas9 Double Mutant (dCas9) carries the mutations D10A and H840A which inactivates both nuclease and nickase activities. Using a target-specific guide RNA (sgRNA), it can bind to a specific genomic position without inducing DNA cleavage.

In this construct, dCas9 is fused to the tripartite complex VPR (VP64, p65 and Rta). These transcriptional activators work in tandem to recruit transcription factors which in turn up-regulate expression of your gene of interest. In comparison to dCas9-SAM system, dCas9-VPR does not require specialized MS2 sgRNAs and it allows for streamlined transfection or infection as the vector encodes a single fusion protein.


Plenti Sffv Dcas9 Vpr


Please note: pLenti-SFFV-dCas9-VPR is also available as prepackaged lentivirus

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Maria Schröder

Tel. +49 (0) 6221 71415 16
