DriverMap Human Genome-Wide Expression Profiling Kit, Version 2

Product Description

The DriverMap Human Genome-Wide Expression Profiling Kit, Version 2, is a convenient single-tube RT-PCR / Next Generation Sequencing assay that robustly measures all 19,000 human protein-coding gene starting from total RNA. Even down to single-cell levels of 10 pg, the assay produces a highly quantitative and reproducible NGS readout that has a range of measurement over 5-orders of magnitude.

The DriverMap Kit includes all the enzymes, reagents, and primers to prepare NGS samples from total RNA, and includes software to demulitplex and align Illumina sequencing files (FASTQ) data and provide expression levels for each target genes.

1.697,00 €
you need any help?

Please contact:

Dr. Sieke Schaepe

Tel. +49 (0) 6221 71415 16
