Figure 5. SBI’s exosomal RNA library preps result in a higher percentage of mapped reads.
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Good exosomal RNA-seq data starts with as little as 1 ng of total RNA. How can quality NGS data from such small amounts of RNA be received? It starts with the library prep. The standard methods for preparing RNA libraries often results in a large overlap between adaptor dimers and exosomal RNAs (Figure 1A). However, at SBI, they’ve modified the library prep to better separate the exosomal RNA from uninformative adaptor sequences (Figure 1B). The result is more usable sequencing reads from lower amounts of RNA as seen by the number (Figure 2) and percentage (Figure 3) of usable reads as well as the number (Figure 4) and percentages (Figure 5) of mapped reads. Fewer adaptors and more exosomal reads mean better insights from your data.
Looking beyond the data, SBI can provide what your average NGS company cannot: the expertise of working with exosomes and exosomal biomarker samples. They’ve run thousands of samples and know what to expect from exosome RNA-Seq studies. It's not just the delivery of raw data, they provide analyzed files and typically spend time with you reviewing your results and providing expert insights into your data, a value-add that is rare in this industry.
Figure 1. SBI’s exosomal RNA library preps provide better separation between exosomal RNA and the uninformative adaptor dimers.(A) Using standard library preparation methods, the adaptor dimer band overlaps with the exosomal RNA band, leading higher levels of contaminating adaptor sequence reads and fewer usable exosomal RNA reads. (B) SBI’s library preparation method leads to better separation between the adaptor sequences and the exosomal RNA, resulting in a higher percentage of usable exosomal RNA sequence reads.
Figure 2. SBI’s exosomal RNA library preps result in more total reads and more usable reads after quality assessment and control (QA/QC) filtering.
Figure 3. SBI’s exosomal RNA library preps result in a higher percentage of usable reads.
Figure 4. SBI’s exosomal RNA library preps result in a higher number of mapped reads.
Figure 5. SBI’s exosomal RNA library preps result in a higher percentage of mapped reads.
NTA-based Exosome Characterization Service
Exosome Lipidomics/Metabolomics Service
Exosome Mass Spectrometry Service