Single Lentiviral sgRNA/shRNA Packaging Service (non-Cas9 construct)

Product Description

Cellecta can provide any of its lentiviral constructs, libraries, or other non-Cellecta lenti-constructs (on a case-by-case basis) as ready-to-transduce, pre-packaged, VSV-g pseudotyped lentiviral particles. These lentiviral preparations can be directly added to cells in culture. The lentiviral particles fuse with the cell membranes and the lentiviral RNA enters the cell, is reverse-transcribed, and integrated into the cell’s DNA.

Lentiprep Packaging Procedure 400


Cellecta‘s lentiviral preparations are titered by assessing transduction rates of HEK293 cells to assess the number of functionally active (i.e., infection-competent) lentiviral particles. We do not simply measure the amount of viral coat proteins (e.g., p24 assay) or viral DNA. This method ensures more accurate titers and consistent efficacy across different batches.

We can provide various amounts of virus depending on your needs. Packaging scales are based on the total number of viral particles you want, regardless of the volume. For example, we can provide 100 million (108) transduction units (TU) in 10 ml of 107 TU each (i.e., 107 TU/ml), or in 1 ml of 108 (i.e., 108/ml). With both variations, we provide the same amount of total virus so the price does not change. Typically, we provide titers of ca. 2 x 107 to 5 x 107 TU/ml. However, if you would prefer higher or lower concentrations, we will do our best to accommodate you.


Genetically Modified Organism (GVO)

See General Terms.

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Please contact:

Maria Schröder

Tel. +49 (0) 6221 71415 16
