CytoSelect™ 96-well Phagocytosis Assay (Zymosan)

Product Category:Phagocytosis Assays

Product Description

  • Fast and accurate quantification of phagocytosis
  • Protocol based on engulfing Zymosan particles
  • No manual counting
  • High-throughput compatible

Zymosan (Saccharomyces cerevisiae) is prepared from yeast cell wall and consists of protein-carbohydrate complexes. Zymosan is a commonly used pathogen in phagocytosis assays. Typically, engulfed Zymosan particles are manually counted (expressed as a phagocytosis index or engulfed particles per phagocyte). This manual counting method is quite cumbersome, time-consuming, and difficult when testing a large number of samples.

The CytoSelect™ 96-well Phagocytosis Assay (Zymosan particle based) uses prelabeled Zymosan particles as a phagocytosis pathogen; however, it does not involve subjective manual counting of Zymosan particles inside cells. Instead external Zymosan particles are blocked before the colorimetric detection of engulfed particles.

This format provides a quantitative, high-throughput method to accurately measure phagocytosis.

Each kit provides sufficient quantities to perform 96, 48, 24 tests in a 96, 48, 24-well plate, respectively.

Assay Principle

Fig.1. Principle of the CytoSelect™ 96-well Phagocytosis Assay (Zymosan). 

Performance Data

Fig.2. Particle engulfment with the CytoSelect™ 96-well Phagocytosis Assay (Zymosan).

3.311,00 €
you need any help?

Please contact:

Dr. Kristin Kördel

Tel. +49 (0) 6221 71415 16
