RiboMarker® RNA Fragmentomics Library Kit
Discover novel RNA biomarkers by combining bias-free library construction, NGS, and AI-powered bioinformatics tools to analyze RNA fragments that other approaches cannot detect
Product Description
- All-inclusive profiling: Detects small RNAs, diverse RNA fragments (including lncRNA, mRNA and tRF/tDR), and select modifications in a single reaction
- Bias-free library construction: Uncovers novel RNAs/RNA fragments
- Versatility: Compatible with a wide range of sample types, including biofluids, tissues, and environmental samples
- Sample quality independence: Effective even with low RIN (RNA Integrity Number) values, ensuring reliable results
- High sensitivity: Delivers robust results with low RNA input
The patent pending technology captures all small RNAs and RNA fragments < 100 nt in a sample. Size selection reagent and barcoded PCR primers are included.
Library Construction
RealSeq's RiboMarker method for preparing RNA sequencing libraries nearly eliminates incorporation bias in Next-Generation-Sequencing (NGS). This technology solves the problem of commonly used sequencing library preparations that lead to underdetection of RNA fragments, many miRNAs, and other small RNAs, some by as much as 10,000-fold.
Next Generation Sequencing
By overcoming under-representation in library preparation, the platform can detect the >90% of cfRNA that current methods cannot see. Leveraging NGS, the RNA fragmentome can be accurately quantified to develop an understanding of their biology and potential as biomarkers for therapeutic targets.
AI Bioinformatics Models
This Ribomarker approach can measure multiple biomarkers in a single experiment. Doing so required to develop proprietary AI models that can analyze the wealth of RNA fragmentomics data and illuminate information like degradation, splicing, mutations in transcripts, and base modifications.
RiboMarker libraries are made with low RNA inputs and include small RNAs and RNA fragments with varying 5’ and 3’ end combinations up to 100 nt in length.
Supporting Data
RiboMarker differentiates cancer patients & healthy donors. Comparison of RiboMarker RNA profiles of cfRNA plasma samples originated from breast cancer and healthy donors. Plasma samples were collected from 3 healthy donors (Healthy, H) and 3 patients diagnosed with breast cancer (Cancer, D). Length profiles are of the cfRNA sequences found for the selected snRNA class. The average distribution for cfRNA fragment lengths from all D (orange) and H (green) plasma samples is shown.
RiboMarker enhances biomarker discovery. Pileup of reads mapping to U2 snRNA found in cancer (D1, D2, D3) and healthy (H1, H2, H3) cfRNA plasma samples, corresponding to data above. cfRNA profiles from the cancer patients (D) revealed an RNA fragment localized to the 3’ half of the U2 snRNA transcript. This enhanced the discrimination of cfRNA from cancer plasma compared to healthy donor plasma which does not contain this 3’-derived RNA fragment.
Learn more about the RNA Fragmentomics Library Preparation Technique with the case study in this RiboMarker White Paper.
- Catalog Number
400-00012-SOM - Supplier
RealSeq Biosciences - Size
- Shipping
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