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Better Transposase, Better Libraries, Better NGS

In 2014, BioCat's partner seqWell was created to revolutionize NGS library preparation to unlock the full potential of today’s DNA sequencing instruments, and Tn5 transposase-based solutions are critical to optimizing that potential. This enzyme has become an integral component of NGS library preparation. Its unique capabilities have unlocked a plethora of recent advancements now at the forefront of biomedical research and development.

TnX, seqWell’s next generation transposase, was developed using fit-for-purpose engineering that targeted improvements in 3 key enzyme attributes: activity, insertion bias and robustness.  These improved attributes translate into enhanced sequencing performance by improving NGS data quality and uniformity.

seqWell continually seeks novel ways to bring the many benefits of scalable tagmentation to an expanding list of applications so that every life scientist can unlock transformative discoveries with sequencing.


  • Plasmid and Amplicon Sequencing
  • Gene Editing QC
  • Low-pass WGS
  • Microbial Sequencing
  • Viral Sequencing