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Jumpcode Genomics

Harness the Specificity of CRISPR to refine your NGS Library

Less noise means more discovery: Jumpcode Genomics' DepleteX technology removes the noise, so you can easily find the genetic information you care about.
BioCat's partner Jumpcode Genomics is focused on breaking the technical barriers limiting genomics today. Their patented technology unlocks the power of next generation sequencing by improving sensitivity, reducing costs, simplifying workflows and removing bias. It empowers scientists to extract greater insights and detect novel signals that were previously hidden by abundant and uninformative sequences. Researchers worldwide are using Jumpcode’s DepleteX technology in the fields of basic research, infectious disease, oncology and consumer genomics.

The ability to sequence millions of reads from genomes and transcriptomes has yielded an unprecedented discovery on genes and genetic variation. Unfortunately, much of these reads are wasted on over abundant sequences that are captured repeatedly.
Future discovery may be accelerated by cutting through the noise of over abundant sequences. Shifting focus away from abundant genes and increasing sensitivity by lowering background noise is required to enable this discovery. It’s why Jumpcode Genomics created DepleteX.
DepleteX technology harnesses the specificity of CRISPR-Cas9 to degrade abundant, uninformative sequences in next-generation sequencing (NGS) libraries. With DepleteX, you can see more lower expressing transcripts and shift your sequencing power for deeper coverage and improved signal.


DepleteX technology is both specific and highly programmable to remove unwanted sequences for many applications. 

  • Whole Transcriptome Profiling
  • Single Cell Analysis
  • Microbiome Characterization
  • Infectious Disease Surveillance

Products / Services / Applications

    1. CRISPR-based NGS Library Depletion