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NGS Targeted Sequencing

NGS Targeted Sequencing

Focus on your genome area of interest

Targeted next generation sequencing allows you to sequence specific areas of the genome. Compared to whole genome sequencing (WGS) it generally requires less sample input and provides a more rapid and cost-effective in-depth analysis to detect known and novel variants within your region of interest. It is particularly helpful for genotyping, detecting rare variants, and exome sequencing. Widely used methods include hybridization capture and amplicon sequencing.

Hybridization Capture

Hybridization capture uses biotinylated oligonucleotide baits (probes) to hybridize to the regions of interest. BioCat offers Custom and Predesigned Hybridization Capture Kits from Arbor Bioscienes, that provide in-solution biotinylated probes complementary to sequences of interest, which allow rapid, selective target enrichment for highly cost-effective next-generation sequencing.

I.e. for non-human samples we can highly recommend myBaits Hybridization Capture Kits from our trusted partner Arbor Biosciences, who is well experienced with the custom bait design for many species including non-model organisms and ancient DNA samples. Arbor routinely collaborates with their customers and research partners to develop innovative solutions to address their unique applications.

Please contact us to discuss the best solution for your project.

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Target Amplicon Sequencing (TAS)

Targeted Amplicon Panels for next-generation sequencing utilize multiple overlapping amplicons to sequence a specific region of interest. Amplicon Panels from our partner Shoreline Biome for 16S Microbiome Sequencing can be found here.