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Norgen 16S rRNA and ITS Library Preparation Kits

16S rRNA and ITS Library Preparation Kits for Microbiome Sequencing

Analyze Bacterial and Fungal Microbiomes

16S rRNA Library Preparation Kits

  • Simple and quick workflow. Library could be prepared in less than 4 hours
  • Part of Norgen’s metagenomics workflow: collection, preservation, DNA isolation, sequencing, and analysis.
  • Protocol optimized for DNA isolated from a large range of sample types
  • Up to 384 unique dual-index libraries can be prepared for a single NGS run

The 16S ribosomal RNA gene (16S rRNA) is a common target for microbial community classification in metagenomic studies. The gene is approximately 1,500 bp long and contains nine variable regions interspersed between conserved regions. These variable regions are frequently used in phylogenetic classifications such as genus or species in diverse microbial populations. The 16S region to sequence is an area of debate, and your region of interest might vary depending on multiple factors including experimental objectives, design, and sample type.

Norgen offers optimized 16S sequencing library preparation kits that accommodate a range of sample types and input quantities. Our library prep kits provide end-users with a streamlined workflow experience that consistently yield high-quality NGS libraries across a range of sample types. With Norgen offering NGS library preparation kits for nine 16S regions, and multiplex panels of both 16S, you can choose the kit that best suits your research needs. Our library preparation kits come in sizes to accommodate as few as 24 samples and as many as 384 uniquely-indexed samples that can be sequenced in a single NGS run.

ITS Library Preparation Kits

  • Simple and quick workflow. Library could be prepared in less than 4 hours
  • Part of Norgen’s metagenomics workflow: collection, preservation, DNA isolation, sequencing, and analysis.
  • Protocol optimized for DNA isolated from a large range of sample types
  • Up to 384 unique dual-index libraries can be prepared for a single NGS run

The Internal Transcribed Spacer (ITS) of nuclear rRNAs are commonly used for fungal classification in diverse metagenomic studies. The ITS region is defined as the spacer DNA situated between the small and large subunits of rRNAs and may exhibit variation in length and sequence across different species. It is yet to be determined which ITS region is best for fungal genetic analysis, but ITS1 and ITS2 are popular targets for the identification, classification, and quantification of fungal communities within complex biological samples. The ITS region to sequence might vary depending on multiple factors, however ITS1 is most frequently combined with ITS2 to amplify the ITS1 region of the fungal rRNA operon while the combination of ITS3 and ITS4 is commonly used to amplify the ITS2 region.