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Variant Nucleosomes (vNucs)

Variant Nucleosomes (vNucs)

Three ways to leverage vNucs for chromatin research

  • Use as substrates for testing for inhibitors
  • Study effects of variant histone on enzyme activity
  • Test specificity of antibody


Histone variants have important roles across diverse cellular processes, including DNA replication, DNA repair, and transcriptional regulation. 

EpiCypher´s recombinant mononucleosomes are assembled from recombinant human histones expressed in E. coli (two each of histones H2A, H2B, H3 and H4, but with one of the histones expressed as a variant) and wrapped by 147 base of 601 positioning (Widom) sequence DNA. Variant nucleosomes (vNucs) provide a physiological substrate for the functional analysis of these non-canonical nucleosomes.