One unique feature of the GeneCopoeia ORF clone collection is the availability of a vast number of different vectors and tags to fully match your needs for expression and detection of your gene of interest.
All clones are provided as expression-ready purified DNA but are available in other formats upon request.
OriGene's TrueClone cDNA and TrueORF ORF collections contain many rare and hard-to-obtain clones found nowhere else, e.g. certain transcript variants, difficult-to-clone genes, and many others.
The TrueORF clones can be easily shuttled via the PrecisonShuttle System, a simple 'cut-and-paste' procedure, into any of the available destination vectors, so that you can express the ORF with different tags, with tags at different ends of the protein, or as the native, untagged protein.
All clones are provided as expression-ready purified DNA.
ABM's extensive collection of sequence-verified human, mouse and rat ORF clones is designed for subcloning your ORF of interest into your choice of vector expression system. The ORFs are cloned into a small non-viral vector, pORF, without stop codon to allow for the incorporation of a C-terminal tag or reporter if it is present in the recipient vector.
In addition, the ABM ORF collection is also available in ready-to-use expression vectors/viruses including lentiviral ORF clones, AAV ORF clones and adenoviral particles.
Please note: Our cDNA and ORF collections are available as source vectors/ready-to-use expression vectors/viral particles including: Lentivirus, AAV, Adenovirus and non-viral formats. There are different options for promoters, reporters and/or tags. Negative (empty) and positive control vectors are also provided. Please contact us for more details.